sunlight filtering through tree calming image


The Art of Pause: Regulating Our Nervous System in a Busy World

In today’s over-scheduled, always-on world, our nervous systems are often stretched to their limits. Stress, anxiety, illness, bereavement, money worries, and the constant hum of responsibilities can make it feel as though we’re stuck in a never-ending race. Yet, the antidote to this frenetic energy might be simpler, and closer, than we think. It starts … Read more

Discovering Stillness: The Art of Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra

In the hustle of daily life, the constant push to achieve and move forward can leave us feeling depleted and disconnected. Enter Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra, two profound practices that offer a sanctuary of stillness and a path to inner peace. What is Yin Yoga? Yin Yoga is a meditative, slow-paced style of yoga … Read more

Oncology Massage and Reflexology

Oncology Massage and Reflexology are specialised forms of massage tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals undergoing cancer treatment, receiving palliative care, or in recovery. Designed with sensitivity and understanding of the physical and emotional challenges posed by cancer, this gentle approach offers numerous benefits. Physical Benefits One of the primary benefits of oncology … Read more

How Yin Yoga Supports Graceful Aging

Yin Yoga, with its emphasis on mindful breathing and meditative stillness, offers a gentle yet powerful practice to support graceful aging. Yin Yoga helps to cultivate a calm mind, flexible body, and resilient spirit, making it an ideal practice for those seeking to age with vitality and peace. In this blog, we’ll explore how Yin … Read more

The Benefits of Relaxation: Why Taking Time to Unwind is Essential

In today’s fast-paced world, finding time to relax can be challenging. However, relaxation is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being. Whether you prefer deep breathing exercises, massage, meditation, yoga, or simply enjoying a quiet moment, incorporating relaxation into your daily routine can offer numerous benefits. Let’s explore some of the key advantages of relaxation. … Read more

Menopause: A Natural Journey with Essential Oils, Herbal Medicine, Food and Mindset.

The menopause is a natural transition for women to go through.  We experience a wide range of sensations, both physical and emotional, that may last for several years.  If menopause can be seen for the natural process that it is and welcomed as the next stage of life, with happiness, this is good medicine.  Many … Read more

Genocide. Paying respects and offering healing. Cambodia 2019

I have wanted to visit Angkor Wat for so many years and, perhaps more so, have wanted to pay my respects, learn more about and offer healing for the Genocide, committted country wide in the 1970s, under the evil eye of Pol Pot. One detention center, S-21, was so notorious that only seven of the … Read more

Integral Yoga and Meditation Retreat, Angkor Wat National Park, Siem Reap, Cambodia 2019

The natural follow on from visiting the spiritual temples at Angkor Wat was to immerse in practice again, with an integral yoga meditation retreat, nestled in the jungle within a trditional Cambodia village. At Hariharalaya, the focus was to develop the skills to live a balanced and inspired life through yoga practice – asana, breathing … Read more

Angkor Wat, Cambodia 2019

A few days on a rainy beach in southern Thailand followed the work at Elephant Nature Park, then a fond farewell to Thailand to begin the Cambodian adventure. As soon as I stepped off the plane, I was captivated. The smell of the country so different to Thailand, an intoxicating aroma and I felt at … Read more

Working at the Elephant Nature Park. Chiang Mai, Thailand 2019

From working with anxiety and trauma in humans, to working with elephants. A dream come true to be this close to them and care for them. Sadly, each and every elephant that is caught from the wild and used by humans, either in illegal logging, the tourist trade, circus acts, forced breeding or for their … Read more

Wat Pho, Bangkok and massage in Chiang Mai. Thailand 2019

After the meditation retreat I travelled back to Bangkok and had time to visit the wondeful Wat Pho and Reclining Buddha before heading north to Chiang Mai. I adore the Reclining Buddha, last visited 27 years ago. Wat is the Thai name for temple and Wat Pho is the largest in Bangkok, next to the … Read more

Vipassana meditation retreat, update. Thailand 2019

For many years I have wanted to complete a 10 day Vipassana meditation retreat and I am so pleased I now have and what a stunning location in south Thailand, near the town Chaiya. Known also as a silent retreat, meditation retreat, 10 day retreat or Anapanasati retreat. A beautiful and profound experience, that the … Read more