sunlight filtering through tree calming image

Yin Yoga

Mindful yin yoga combines the influences of mindfulness, yogic, Daoist and neuroscience principles, to improve our health and wellbeing. With its emphasis on slow paced, floor based asana, mindful yin yoga increases flexibility in the back, hips and pelvis, mobilises and strengthens the joints and allows body and mind to drop into deeply nourishing relaxation.

Mindfulness is a way of paying attention, on purpose and without judgement, to what goes on in the present moment in your body, thoughts and emotions. It involves intentionally stepping out of ‘automatic pilot’ to be present, aware and responsive.

In Daoist principles, ‘yin’ is about yielding, being, letting go. Much of our daily life is spent being in a ‘yang’ state, busy, striving, doing, achieving. We need a balance of both for a healthy life and this practice gives us the permission and space to slow down and experience our yin nature.

With the forward bends in particular, the relaxation response is initiated leaving you feeling deeply relaxed.

In our practice we:

  • Play to our edges – each time you come into an asana, go only to the point where you feel a resistance in the body. Give your body a chance to open up and if you are invited to go deeper, only then do so, listen to your body.
  • Rest in stillness – once we have found the edge, we settle into the pose and wait without moving, aware of our breath, mindful of thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations and dropping into stillness.
  • Sink in – when we have arrived at our edge, once we have become still, all that is left to do is stay. The yin tissues of deep connective tissue, ligaments, tendons and bone are not elastic and they need long-held, reasonable amounts of traction to be stimulated. By doing this we are able to:
    • lengthen fascia and ligaments of the back, pelvis and hips
    • improve range of movement in joints
    • break down scar tissue
    • release toxins and waste products from tissues

Bolsters, blocks and other supportive accessories are used, to hold and support our practice.